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Dresner's Shop

J.D. Dresner's books are available in various formats. View each section to see if the book you want comes in paperback, large print, hardcover, or eBook formats.


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Sword & Witchhazel

A Goblin's Mind

You Don't Know Jack

Dragons v. Subways (in Versus 2)



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Sword & Witchhazel
Witchhazel & Sword

The Corwyn Chronicles released an experimental novelette called both, Sword & Witchhazel, and Witchhazel & Sword. Two titles, two covers, two sides of one story!


Decide which of the conjoined tales you’d like to read first—the tale of Pallo, Swashbuckler living in Sword, or the tale of Dinah, Artiste living in Witchhazel. Only once both stories are read will you receive the full scope of what it’s like to live in the twin towns, where whatever happens in Sword, happens in Witchhazel.

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The town of staves has four houses: The Magisters, The Artistes, The Adjudicators, and The Enchanters.


The town of blades has four houses: The Adeptus, The Swashbucklers, The Marshals, and The Blacksmiths.

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If you're interested in purchasing a copy, you can order one by contacting J.D. Dresner from the Contact Page to make shipping arrangements. Want it signed by the author? Just ask!


Length: Novelette (90 pages)

Genre: YA Fantasy

Sword Witchhazel
A Goblin's Mind

Doctor Harlow is used to dealing with interesting and unusual patients such as Necia, the unicorn-woman whose compulsion to hoard useless trinkets has brought her a great deal of anxiety–such is an average day for the best therapist in the Skarsgaard Kingdom. However, when a goblin teenager with a healthy imagination comes to visit, things begin to change for Harlow.


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Not soon after the doctor discovers an unlikely link between the green-skinned youngster and the other patients do people start to go missing. Time is running out, and Doctor Harlow must discover the truth about the goblin's mind before it's too late.


A Goblin's Mind is J.D. Dresner's debut novella, initially written during the 3-Day Novel Contest of 2013. Set in the world of Corwyn, this tale is linked to other Corwyn Chronicles tales, while remaining a stand-alone story.


You can purchase this book in paperback, large print, or various eBook formats here:

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Chapters / Indigo

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Barnes & Noble



Length: Novella (144 pages)

Genre: YA / New Adult Fantasy

A Goblins Mind
You Don't Know Jack

Of all the stories you've read before—stories about warring desert factions, fantastic heists, worlds with no sun, people's consciousnesses getting ripped from their bodies only to be dropped into the bodies of horses, travelling through time and space. . . you'd think you knew a thing or two about the fantastic and the bazaar. So did Emmett Croft. He thought he knew everything. Then he travelled back in time, and that's when he realized: even if you're a know-it-all, the truth is, you don't know jack.

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Written by nine people during a team-building exercise, You Don't Know Jack was conceived within one day, and consisted of about 500 words. Now a 17,000 word story, it's both intriguing and thought-provoking (albeit highly-experimental). Proceeds from the purchase of this book will be directed towards a charity of our choosing.


Written by: Kelsie Colville, J.D. Dresner, Erika Hayek, Eric Hutchison, Jason Lemmon, Cindy Lunau, N.J. Portugal, Priyank Shah, & Jessica Vano.

Edited by: Brett Savory.

Proofread by: Adrianna Moore.

Layout, cover art, & design by: Jared Reid at Dresner Design House.

Length: Novelette (82 pages)

Genre: Science Fiction

You can purchase this book in paperback here:



Barnes & Noble

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You Dont Know Jack
Dragons v. Subways
Forthcoming, 2025!

Winner of the 2024 FSF Alliance "Versus Contest", This short story will be published in the sequel to "Versus" (for a copy of book one, select this link).


When a train conductor is put on trial for derailing a train, no one believes him when he says a dragon was the cause. In a world where there’s never been evidence of the existence of dragons, attorney Aaron Trullbridge must either prove the defendant’s innocence, or prove that dragons exist. Meanwhile, the media is closely watching.



Dragons v Subways
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